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- List of reports - Configuration Manager | Microsoft LearnIdentify your Windows 10 and Windows 11 Build Numbers using SCCM
I am looking if there is a way in SCCM to pull the following information from Windows 10 machines into /10500.txt query or report. Or is this something that doesn't exist downlooad Windows 10, sccm report windows 10 build numbers free download I find hard to believe since we can find it already in two places? I was able to find this link that someone created their own WMI class to do it but was hoping for a another sccm report windows 10 build numbers free download without adding a new WMI class to all machines.
You can also use a PowerShell cmd to get this information. If you want на этой странице get the UBR number, it is possible to do so by extending your hardware inventory, just like the link you provided. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact tnmff microsoft. The responses so far продолжить good places to get the build. Is there any way to get нажмите чтобы прочитать больше build and sub-version after a CU is installed?
This would be helpful in either a query or a report. By default, SCCM does not collect the OS sub-version, if you want to get this, you have to extend hardware inventory, just like the one you provided. I'm not sure where to look in WMI but I found the version and sub-version in the registry. Here's a PowerShell command to spit it out. I'd still rather have a адрес to populate collections based on this without adding перейти things ссылка be inventoried.
Those can get messy when it's time to upgrade SCCM versions. There really isn't anything more magical available--that's what is available at this time--extending inventory. Office Office Exchange Server. Not an IT pro? Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States English. Scc, a question. Quick access.
Search related threads. Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Приведенная ссылка Forums. Configuration Manager Current Branch — General.
Post questions here that are not appropriate for the other Configuration Manager жмите forums, AND after you have already searched for your answer. Sign in to vote. Thursday, August 31, PM. Windos, September 1, AM. Saturday, September 2, PM. Hi, By default, SCCM does not collect the OS sub-version, if you want to get this, you have to extend hardware inventory, just like the one you provided.
Proposed as answer by Kamala kannan. Monday, September 4, AM. I'm sure that it is hiding in WMI somewhere, I just don't know where off the top of my head. Monday, September 4, PM. Tuesday, September 5, PM. Anything you do will still be based on inventory. Wednesday, April 25, PM. I hope it helps. Nukbers Matthews www. Thursday, October 31, Sccm report windows 10 build numbers free download.
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